7 Tips for Great Lawn Care in Downriver Michigan

7 Tips for Great Lawn Care in Downriver Michigan

Soon the weather will start to warm and the landscape will start to turn green again. With winter soon to be over it’s a great time to start planning on a great looking lawn before spring gets here. Here at Michigan Landscaping Pros we’ve put together a list of 7 tips that can help you get the most out of your lawn and landscape and ensure it looks great when spring finally gets here. 

7 Tips for Great Lawn Care in Downriver Michigan

Taking care of your landscape and lawn is much easier than many people think. In fact, with proper planning and a bit of advice from the pros you can have a lawn that looks amazing and comes together really well before the weather warms this spring. The following tips can help your landscape look great and are specifically designed to help with landscapes in Michigan where the weather can be much different than other areas of the United States.

7 Tips for Great Lawn Care in Downriver Michigan

Consider Adding Mulch to Your Landscape

Mulch is a great product that you can add to your landscape which can serve several purposes. It adds a splash of color during dull times such as early spring and can make the sprouting plants look more green and has more contrast. Mulch can also help to deter weeds from growing in the flower beds of your home. Not only that but mulch can retain water and hold water to your plants which can help them grow faster. Mulch is a must and should be added each year to your home’s landscape.

Plant New Grass in Spring

Although planting grass or sod can be done at any time the optimal time to plant most grass is early spring. This ensures that the summer heat will not scorch seeds. It’s also a good idea to read more into each type of grass seed that you are planting as each will have different optimal times for planting which can give you better results.

Don’t Forget to Prune Trees and Shrubs

Before trees and shrubs start to sprout new leaves and branches it’s also a good idea to prune most trees and shrubs. However, just like planting grass it will depend greatly on the type of tree or shrub you have planted in your home’s landscape. Some trees will need to be pruned during fall weather or end of summer for best results. Improper pruning can damage trees severely and sometimes put the trees into a stunted growth. Talk with a qualified landscaping contractor in Michigan about your particular trees to determine what is the optimal time for pruning.

Proper Mowing Can Make a Huge Difference

While it may seem like cutting your grass super short is a great idea it can actually damage the grass and roots. This can lead to brown spots on your lawn and also uneven patches when the grass is growing back which can be very apparent. Cutting grass at 2.75 inches is usually good for most grass types. You’ll need to look up your specific grass to be sure.

Don’t Forget to Fertilize Your Lawn

Your lawn needs nutrients. Adding fertilizer is crucial to ensuring your home’s landscape will look great. It’s best to have the soil tested to see what nutrients are present and what is needed during early spring. Adding fertilizer to give the soil a better mix of nutrients which are needed to have  a great looking and healthy lawn.

Consider Aerating Your Soil

With the cold winter weather here in Michigan it can lead to frozen soil which can become compacted. Compacted soil makes plants have a more difficult time pushing roots through. Using a aerator on your soil can help to add in more nutrients and break some of the compacted soil up which can help plants grow faster and take better roots which means they will be more healthy.

Use a Professional Landscaper

It’s always best to hire a professional landscaper for your needs. At Michigan Landscaping Pros we can ensure your lawn and landscape looks amazing when spring gets here this year. Contact us here at Michigan Landscaping Pros today and get a free estimate on providing landscaping service for your home and garden this year.

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