Spring and Fall Cleanup in Michigan

Spring and Fall Cleanup in Michigan

Having an awesome looking lawn begins with preparation. Taking a bit of time in the Spring and Fall can make a huge difference in your landscape. In this article I’ll go over some Spring and Fall cleanup in Michigan tips for your landscape so you can have an amazing looking yard all year long. 

Spring and Fall Cleanup in Michigan

Although many of these items I’ll go over here can be done throughout the year it’s best to have at least two times per year that you schedule this. If not you may not be able to remember the dates and actually end up skipping it from time to time. Another alternative is to have a Spring and Fall cleanup in Michigan with your landscaper in Michigan. Have at least twice per year that allows you to do everything that is included here in this tips article.

Remove Weeds from Flower Beds and From Around Trees

Weeds can be very intrusive and can destroy flower beds around your home. Even for plants such as shrubs they can be a problem. One reason is because they take the nutrients that are essentially for the plants and can also block sunlight for smaller plants if they are allowed to get big enough. Stopping weeds before they become a big problem means you’ll need to remove them from your flower beds. This is usually a painstaking process but necessary in order to keep your flower beds looking great. It’s an essential Spring and Fall cleanup in Michigan because if you don’t deal with the weeds you’ll likely lose plants to them.

Adding Flowers to your Flower Beds

During this cleanup process you have a great time to replace plants that have died or that are no longer producing. Remove any flowers that have died and replant with new plants. For tips on planting flowers be sure to check out our previous article about planting flowers in Michigan.

Start Pruning Trees in Your Yard

Trees with rampant branches and shrubs that have grown to new heights will need to be pruned in order to keep a more uniform shape. During times when the tree or shrub is dormant is the perfect time to prune the branches and shape shrubs better. Pruning can help the tree or shrub grow the way you desire rather than growing into walkways or patios. Be sure to prune tree branches that are close to the ground as well to allow for mowing the grass or to add some sunlight for grass and flowers around the base of the tree.

Landscape Cleanup in Michigan

Fertilize and Feed the Plants

Plants need food just like we do. One of the biggest problems home owners have with plants and trees in their yards is they don’t fertilize them. Adding fertilizer to your yard can help to boost the nutrients in the soil so your plant has what it needs to grow. Adding fertilizer twice per year during Spring and Fall cleanup in Michigan can help them grow to new heights. A great way to tell how much fertilizer to use and what kind is by conducting a soil test. Testing the soil to determine the acidic levels can help you better determine what sort of fertilizer to use. You can’t just look at the soil and be able to tell you’ll need to test it with a kit that you can get from a local hardware store.

Add Mulch to Your Landscape

Once you’ve got the flowers planted and fertilizer added to your flower beds it’s time to really spruce up those flower beds with some color. One popular item for landscaping in Michigan is by adding mulch to the beds. Mulch can be a variety of colors but the most popular is dark red or burgundy. This can give your landscaping a nice contrast between the green grass and the flower beds especially when they are blooming.

Edging and Cleanup

Now that you’ve got all the cleanup done and the flower beds fertilized, replanted, and mulch added it’s time to do some basic cleanup. It starts with edging of driveways and sidewalks. If you’ve got brick pavers walkways or brick pavers patios be careful not to break any of the bricks during this process. Having edged areas like this can make an awesome landscape.


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