Inexpensive Residential Landscaping Design in Michigan

Inexpensive Residential Landscaping Design in Michigan

When people drive down your street and see your home and landscaping do you think they will remember it? If you’re ready to add some pizzazz to your landscaping you can do so with some amazing residential landscaping designs in Michigan from Michigan Landscaping Pros. We’ve listed some inexpensive landscaping designs that you can do in your home’s landscape to really make a yard to remember. In this article I’ll go over some of these great looking residential landscaping designs in Michigan to help you. 

Inexpensive Residential Landscaping Designs in Michigan

Whether you want to add trees, shrubs, or change the type of grass you have in your home’s landscape it can be easier when you plan ahead. However, moving trees and replanting shrubs can be expensive if you have a lot of them. In this article I’ll go over some of the items in your landscaping that are more inexpensive and don’t cost much to implement. Many of these items can be done in as little as a day or two as well.

Inexpensive Residential Landscaping Design in Michigan

Add Some Lighting To Your Landscape

A great way to add some pizzazz to your landscape and make it safer is to add some lighting. Adding small lighting along walkways and in the edges of flower beds can give it a much more pronounced look. It can also make it more beautiful at night especially when the flowers are blooming and the light hits them just right. Smaller lights that work on solar energy work best and you won’t need to run any wiring to them. Simply stick them in the ground where you want them and you’re set. These types of lights are relatively inexpensive started at only a few dollars each.

Adding Mulch Around Trees and Shrubs

If your flowers and shrubs in Michigan just don’t have the color and splash that you want consider adding some mulch to the mix. Adding mulch that is red in color contrasts with the green from shrubs and makes them stand out much more. Mulch can be added anytime of year. Adding mulch to your flower beds and around trees can also help to keep weeds at bay as well.

Planting Small Flower Gardens

If you want to add some flowers to the mix but don’t have them in your current landscaping consider adding a small flower garden. By adding a small flower garden around areas like patios you can add the aroma of fresh flowers on those evening barbecues. It can also add some color especially if your patio is concrete.

Add a Fountain to Your Patio Area

A fountain for birds to bath in and play about is awesome in a landscape. It can add a center piece to a patio if you don’t have an outdoor fireplace in Michigan. You can also add it at the edge of the patio if the focal point of the patio is already the fireplace or fire pit. Most of the fountains will require an electrical connection to run a pump to circulate the water. However, lately there have been a few solar powered fountains that run on solar power with a battery attached.

Add a Brick Pavers Walkway

Using brick pavers is a great way to add some character to your home’s landscaping in Michigan. They provide a great way to section off areas of your yard and they look amazing. Consider adding something as simple as a brick pavers walkway at your home. If you really want to get creative and take on a larger project then consider adding a brick pavers patio as well. Brick pavers last a long time and once they have been set in place, you don’t need to worry about them anymore. They come in all sorts of shapes, styles, and colors so finding something that is unique to your home’s landscaping and perfect for it will be much easier.

Plant a Tree at Your Home

Even though today isn’t Arbor Day consider adding a tree to your lawn. Trees can provide all sorts of additional benefits to your home. Just be sure to follow the guidelines we outlined in the planting trees in Michigan article featured here at Michigan Landscaping Pros.



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