Are You Ready for Some Landscaping Changes in Michigan? Consider Planting Shrubs!

Are You Ready for Some Landscaping Changes in Michigan? Consider Planting Shrubs!

If you are ready for some landscaping changes in Michigan, you may want to consider planting shrubs. Having shrubs in your garden is almost a given. They make a great way for you to add depth and also they provide a great foundation to an awesome landscaping design. However, using the wrong shrubs in Michigan can lead to all sorts of trouble and excessive maintenance. Here’s our guide on how to pick the right shrubs for your home in Michigan.

Planting Shrubs in Michigan Landscape Projects

Since Michigan weather can be a bit harsh on any plant life during the winter months it’s important to choose the right shrubs for your home. Shrubs in Michigan need to be resistant to extreme weather conditions like snow and ice. Using a more tropical based shrub at your home will only lead to long term maintenance of the shrub and the likely demise of any plants once the weather turns colder.

What Shrubs in Michigan are Best?

In order to give your garden the best chance of survival in the Michigan weather it’s important to get native plants. Getting a native plant means that the plant will be better suited for Michigan weather and the ice and snow won’t have a big of an impact as more tropical based plants. Below are a list of shrubs in Michigan that are native to the area. Choosing one of these shrubs will be much better for long term landscaping maintenance in Michigan as well.

Common Witchhazel for a shrub in Michigan

This is a larger shrub that can take the Michigan weather. It’s usually grown in areas that have a similar climate as Michigan and produces a more ‘spacey’ effect to your garden. They work great for blinding areas as they grow tall enough that most people will not be able to see over them. You may also need to plant shorter, more fuller shrubs in from because the bottom of the WitchHazel is usually pretty open.

Landscaping Changes in Michigan

Red Chokeberry Use in Michigan

The Red Chokeberry is a medium sized shrub that can give great cover. It bears a red berry that can also add a splash of color to a bland background on your garden. The berries from this shrub in Michigan can also provide a great way to make jams or jellies with. Many people use this shrub as a producer of fruit for jams.

Michigan Holly Bush for a Shrub

Maybe one of the most ‘native’ shrubs in Michigan is the Michigan Holly Bush or Shrub. The Michigan Holly Bush grows as tall as 12 feet but is considered a medium sized shrub. It works extremely well for areas that you want to keep people out of. I like to border edges with the Michigan Holly Bush simply because of the prickly leaves that it produces. Like the Red Chokeberry it produces a red berry that adds a splash of color to your garden.


Arrow Viburnum Adds More Than a Splash of Color

If you want a shrub of a different color then consider the Arrow Viburnum. Although it has green leaves it does produce blue berry along with white flowers in late spring. This is one of the better spread shrubs in Michigan simply because it can take up so much space with a full body. At maturity it is about 6 feet to 12 feet tall and grows as much as 2 feet per year. Planting this shrub in your garden can make it much fuller and also add more of a splash of color than other shrubs in Michigan.

Find Some Smaller Shrubs to Fill in the Gaps

Most of the shrubs listed so far have been larger shrubs that act more like a fence or barrier. But there are also some smaller shrubs that you can use in your patio or garden in Michigan that are more native to the area. A few of the shrubs that work well for smaller applications are the New Jersey Tea shrub, Diervilla Lonicera, and the Shrubby Cinquefoil. Each of these shrubs provide excellent coverage for low areas. They work extremely well when utilized with larger shrubs like the ones listed above.

Shrubs in Michigan can be a tricky subject in many aspects and it can be a bit difficult to make sure everything works together perfectly with as little effort as possible. If you don’t want to do this yourself you can always hire a professional Michigan landscaper that can help you. Be sure to check out some of the recommended landscapers here at Michigan Landscaping Pros.

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