5 Critical Mistakes When Adding Mulch to Your Michigan Landscape

5 Critical Mistakes When Adding Mulch to Your Michigan Landscape

Adding mulch to your landscape in Michigan can give your home a clean and crisp look. Mulch can add color and is a great way to eliminate some of the problems that usually happen with un-mulched beds such as weeds. Mulching also helps to create more distinct landscape components and works really well around walkways and patios to edges of the home. However, for all that mulching can do there are some problems that can occur when things aren’t done properly. We’ll take a look at the top 5 mistakes that can happen to your Michigan landscape when you use mulch incorrectly.

5 Critical Mistakes When Adding Mulch to Your Michigan Landscape

Although mulch can be added at any time of year to your home’s landscape 2 of the most popular times are spring and fall. Once the snow and ice has left us for a time and before it begins again. The mulch can also help to protect some plants roots by adding an insulating layer to the beds. Since the color remains on the mulch it can also give your home an added splash of color when most plants and flowers don’t. In any case, you’ll want to add the mulch properly or hire a landscaper in Michigan to add the mulch for you.

5 Critical Mistakes When Adding Mulch to Your Michigan Landscape

Not Enough Mulch in your Landscape

Sometimes you want enough to get the look of mulch but make the spread too thin. A thin layer of mulch may give you great appearance and the look you’re looking for but it won’t help as much against weeds. As there are spaces in the mulch it allows weeds to push through and out of the mulch which can be bad. One thing to keep in mind is that since mulch is organic it will break down over time and settle in the beds as well. So the appropriate amount added this year may not be enough for next year and more will need to be added. Finding the perfect balance is key.

Too Much Mulch in your Landscape

While too little mulch is a problem, on the flip side adding too much mulch is also just as bad or even worse. Adding mulch to your landscape can give it a great look and improve the plants but when you add too much mulch it can effectively choke plant roots and compact the soil too much. A few inches of mulch should be sufficient for most landscapes however, sometimes special situations will occur which require more or less.

Surrounding Trees with Mulch

Just like the plants in your landscape that need to breath, the trees you surround with mulch do too. The base of the tree should be more open and allow the roots an area where the water and such can run down. One of the biggest problems home owners make with mulch is they pile up the mulch around the tree. As water runs down the tree it hits the mulch and is deflected away from the roots of the tree. Creating a mound around a tree with mulch is not a good idea and could end up harming the tree.

Not Using Mulch at All

While there are many different mulching and landscaping choices you can make one of the best is using mulch. Here in Michigan mulch is much better than the alternatives and when you choose not to use any sort of mulch it can leave your home with weeds and more problems.

Not All Mulch is Created Equal

Just like most landscaping products, all mulch is not created equal. Price can usually help to determine the quality of the mulch. Ground Christmas trees and such can certainly be really cheap but it may also have other problems that you won’t want to introduce to your flower beds or landscape. Be sure to speak with a qualified landscaper about the mulch for your home.

Get Help with Your Landscape in Michigan

If you need help with the landscape of your home be sure to contact Michigan Landscaping Pros today. We can add mulch to your landscape at a great price and ensure the work is done properly. Contact us today for a free quote on your landscaping project in Michigan!

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