Guide to Building a Flower Garden and Planting Flowers in Michigan

Guide to Building a Flower Garden and Planting Flowers in Michigan

Building a flower garden at you home can be difficult if you’ve never taken on such a task. However, with a few tips you can have flowers blooming on your flower garden for much of the time. A flower garden can really be enjoyable when it’s near a patio where you come outside and enjoy the weather. In this article I’ll go over some important tips to help you keep a blooming garden as well as how and what sort of flowers to plant. If you’re ready to have an awesome flower garden be sure to check out these tips on planting flowers in Michigan. 

Guide to Building a Flower Garden and Planting Flowers in Michigan

If you’re ready to build the perfect flower garden for your home it first starts with some planning. Planning out what sort of plants you’ll be adding and also the area that will be covered. Lots of home owners want to add a flower garden at the edge of their patio. This can help add some character and depth to the patio and when combined with a brick pavers patio in Michigan it can really make a patio that is awesome. But no matter what style of patio you have adding a flower garden can really help to make it special. Making a flower garden means adding something special to your landscape. Here are some more tips on planting flowers in Michigan to help you have the perfect flower garden.

Let Them Have Some Sunlight if You Want Perfect Flowers

When you’re planning out your flower garden one of the most overlooked things is the sun that they will receive after being planted. Most flowering plants need at least eight hours of sunlight per day. So if you’re planning on putting the flower garden beside your home be sure to check how much sunlight it receives each day. If you don’t have at least eight hours of sunlight you’ll likely have problems with flowers producing leaves but they won’t produce much flowers. This is one reason why patios are such a good spot for flower gardens since the are typically not against any structures that block the sunlight. Planning the perfect landscaping in Michigan can be tough and you’ll need enough sunlight to make good use of flowering plants.

Building a Flower Garden and Planting Flowers in Michigan

Prepare the Soil for the Flowers

Most plants that produce flowers need more nutrients than plants that only produce leaves. If you want more flowers for your flower garden then you’ll need to make sure the soil is right. The very first thing you’ll need to do is test the soil for moisture content and also the acidic levels in the soil. You can do this by using a testing kit you can get at most home improvement stores such as Home Depot. Testing the soil before you plant any flowers can help you better determine what sort of fertilizer or other additives are needed for the soil.

Two Types of Flowers: Annuals and perennials

When it comes to planting flowers in Michigan there is decision you’ll need to make which is what sort of flowers you’ll want to plant. There are basically two types of flowers you can plant which are annuals and perennials. They are different mainly because they each require different levels of care. Annuals require more water and fertilizer to product flowers. However, they produce many flowers and do so for longer periods of time. You can also choose perennials if you have less time to dedicate to the flower garden. When you’re planting flowers in Michigan most people choose a mixture of these plant types.

Should You Plant Seeds or Plants in Your Flower Garden


Now that you’ve got the placement for the flower garden and you’ve prepared the soil with fertilizer you’ll need to determine if you want to plant seeds or plants in your flower garden. Planting seeds will take longer to break the soil and you may have some bad spots if some of them don’t come up. By using small flowers in your flower garden you’ll likely have better success but they may be more expensive. The choice of seeds versus small plants is usually determined by how long the home owner wants to wait on their flower garden. If you’re looking for a professional to start your flower garden in Michigan be sure to check out the featured landscapers in Michigan here at Michigan Landscaping Pros.

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