How to Shovel Your Driveway Without Getting Hurt This Winter

How to Shovel Your Driveway Without Getting Hurt This Winter

If you’ve lived in Michigan during the winter then you know the task of shoveling snow from your driveway and property will be a task each and every winter. People wake up to find their driveways covered in snow sometimes days at a time. For many people who don’t use a snow removal service in Downriver Michigan, this means it’s time to break out the shovel and get to work doing it yourself.

How to Shovel Your Driveway Without Getting Hurt This Winter

However, shoveling snow can be a dangerous activity if you’re not careful. Every year, thousands of people end up in the hospital with injuries caused by shoveling snow. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to shovel your driveway safely so you can avoid becoming one of those statistics.

Snow Plowing Downriver MI

Pajamas Won’t Do: Dress for the Weather Outside

Before you even step outside, make sure you’re dressed for the weather just like you would if you were going to work or something. Wear warm, loose-fitting clothes so you don’t get too sweaty while you’re shoveling as well and be aware if you are sweating and take some breaks. You should also wear gloves to protect your hands both from the cold and to protect from blisters and such. You should also wear a hat or scarf to keep your head and neck warm.

Take Your Time When Shoveling Snow and Stretch First

Just like any other physical activity, it’s important to stretch your muscles before you start shoveling. A few simple stretches will help loosen up your muscles and prevent injuries. Once you’re done stretching, start slow and increase your pace as you go taking your time and not over-exerting yourself or extending any joints past point that you’ve stretched to.

Should You Hire a Snow Removal Company in Downriver Michigan?

Take Frequent Breaks

Shoveling snow and clearing snow from driveways and sidewalks is strenuous activity, so it’s important to take breaks every few minutes as needed. This will help you avoid getting too fatigued and will also give your muscles a chance to rest and it can keep you from sweating too much as well. If you start feeling dizzy or lightheaded, stop immediately and go inside to cool down and rehydrate. It’s also a good idea to eat a light snack before you start shoveling to give yourself some extra energy.

Use Proper Form When Shoveling Snow and Ice

When you’re scooping the snow, make sure you’re using proper form and lifting with your legs and arms rather than with your back. Bend at your knees, not your waist, and keep your back straight. You can use a back belt as well to help with posture while doing this task. Use your arms and legs to do most of the work instead of relying on your back and make sure to only scoop what you can lift comfortably.

It’s better to make several smaller scoops rather than a large scoop that is too heavy for you. Swinging the shovel around can also lead to injuries, so be careful when you’re throwing the snow off to the side. If possible, push the snow instead of lifting it. And if the snow is too heavy to lift safely, wait for it to freeze overnight so you can break it into smaller pieces.

By following these simple tips, you can help prevent injuries this winter while shoveling your driveway. Remember to dress for the weather, stretch before you start, take breaks often, and use proper form when scooping the snow. Of course, you can always use a professional snow removal company to take care of this for you so you don’t need to worry about it.

Cutting Edge Property Maintenance in Downriver Michigan offers a full range of snow removal and ice control services for both residential and commercial applications. They have a full team of professionals ready to help with all your snow removal needs. From clearing a small driveway to clearing a large parking lot, they have the tools and team to take care of it. They also offer service agreements where they take care of your snow removal needs all winter long! Call them today to get a free quote on your snow removal needs in Downriver. Call 734-787-7157

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